Config File

Available since 0.11.0.

Neovide also support configuration through a config file in the toml format.

Settings priority

There are two types of settings:

  1. Settings override these settings from the environment variables, but they can be overridden by command line arguments.
  2. Runtime settings. These settings can be hot-reloaded in runtime.


Linux$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neovide/config.toml or $HOME/.config/neovide/config.toml
macOS$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neovide/config.toml or $HOME/.config/neovide/config.toml

Available settings

Settings currently available in the config file with default values:

wsl = false
no-multigrid = false
vsync = true
maximized = false
srgb = false
idle = true
neovim-bin = "/usr/bin/nvim" # in reality found dynamically on $PATH if unset
frame = "full"
title-hidden = true
tabs = true

Settings from environment variables can be found in Command Line Reference, see that doc for details on what those settings do.

Runtime settings


Available since 0.12.1.

[font] table in configuration file contains:

  • normal: required, FontDescription
  • bold: optional, SecondaryFontDescription
  • italic: optional, SecondaryFontDescription
  • bold_italic: optional, SecondaryFontDescription
  • features: optional, { "<font>" = ["<string>"] }
  • size: required,
  • width: optional,
  • allow_float_size: optional,
  • hinting: optional,
  • edging: optional,

Settings size, width, allow_float_size, hinting and edging can be found in Configuration.

  • FontDescription can be:
    • a table with two keys family and style, family is required, style is optional,
    • a string, indicate the font family,
    • an array of string or tables in previous two forms.
  • SecondaryFontDescription can be:
    • a table with two keys family and style, both are optional,
    • a string, indicate the font family,
    • an array of string or tables in previous two forms.
  • Font styles consist of zero or more space separated parts, each parts can be:
    • pre-defined style name
      • weight: Thin, ExtraLight, Light, Normal, Medium, SemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, Black, ExtraBlack
      • slant: Italic, Oblique
    • variable font weight: W<weight>, e.g. W100, W200, W300, W400, W500, W600, W700, W800, W900
  • Font features are a table with font family as key and an array of string as value, each string is a font feature.
    • Font feature is a string with format +<feature>, -<feature> or <feature>=<value>, e.g. +ss01, -calt, ss02=2. +<feature> is a shorthand for <feature>=1, -<feature> is a shorthand for <feature>=0.


normal = ["MonoLisa Nerd Font"]
size = 18

MonoLisa = [ "+ss01", "+ss07", "+ss11", "-calt", "+ss09", "+ss02", "+ss14", "+ss16", "+ss17" ]