Integration w/ External Tools
You can use Neovide in other programs as editor, this page aims to document some quirks. Support for that, however, is only possible as far as reasonably debuggable.
Note: We do not endorse nor disrecommend usage of all programs listed here. All usage happens on your own responsibility.
In your configuration file:
editor: "neovide" jrnl
saves & removes the temporary file as soon as the main process exits, which happens
before startup by forking.
Quake Mode Accessibility (macOS only)
This feature is quite popular in many terminals.
At the moment you can achieve the same mode using Hammerspoon just creating key bindings to increase the accessibility and flexibility.
To open Neovide on the current space (with your preferred key-binding) add the
following code at ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua
-- Neovide configuration
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "shift"}, "z", function()
-- Get current space
local currentSpace = hs.spaces.focusedSpace()
-- Get neovide app
local app = hs.application.get("neovide")
-- If app already open:
if app then
-- If no main window, then open a new window
if not app:mainWindow() then
app:selectMenuItem("New OS Window", true)
-- If app is already in front, then hide it
elseif app:isFrontmost() then
-- If there is a main window somewhere, bring it to current space and to
-- front
-- First move the main window to the current space
hs.spaces.moveWindowToSpace(app:mainWindow(), currentSpace)
-- Activate the app
-- Raise the main window and position correctly
-- If app not open, open it
app = hs.application.get("neovide")
-- hs.spaces.gotoSpace(currentSpace)