Maintainer Cookbook

General notes about collaborating/doing maintenance work on Neovide.

How to keep your sanity

  • Don't think you need to solve, participate in or even notice everything happening.

    Work on such a project where most things are already done and the things left aren't that fun anymore can be very gruesome, even if that might not be directly noticeable. Just do whatever is fun, feels doable and is inspiring you. This is not a full-time job, it's not even a job at all. You're not required to answer if you don't feel like doing so or would be forcing yourself.

    In short: Do whatever you seriously want.

  • Always assume the best. There's no reason to be rude.

    Communication is hard. Even if it might seem like someone seriously didn't take any look at the docs before opening the issue, it's very possible that they did and found it not to be matching their case, misinterpreted what's written, or weren't sure if they were looking at the right section. What might feel obvious to you could feel obscure to another person.

    Re-state the essential docs contents, link to the relevant section and ask how it could be worded better/could be found better.

  • Ask for more information if you require so. Some investigation can be done by the user.

    If some case requires some special environmental information which isn't given in the original report, ask for it. Or if you aren't sure what you're looking for, state what you believe is the case and add some potentially useful queries. It's also completely okay to state afterwards that you still don't have a clue.

    Neovide is a frontend for an arcane text editor, it's very possible that the person reporting the issue has some Rust or general programming knowledge and could help with debugging/tracing down the original cause for an issue. Some people state so if they want to do that (usually by "I'd be happy for any pointers or hints" or "I'm interested in contributing"), but this is more art than science. Even if the original reporter can't seem to solve the issue, someone else interested in contributing might lurk around and find exactly those pointers.

How to release

Note: These are not a strict rulebook, but rather one possible way for releasing. Adjust as you see fit (and then update here with your findings).


  1. Head over to the releases page and hit the Draft a new release button.
  2. Keep the resulting page somewhere safe open, you'll need to work with it the next half an hour and GitHub doesn't automatically save its contents.
  3. Create a new tag with an appropriate version number.

We're not fully following SemVer here, but as of 0.10.1 larger changes should be an increase in the MINOR part, while fixups should be an increase in the PATCH part.

  1. Hit the Generate release notes button.

  2. Reformat to be similar to previous releases

    • Rename the What's Changed section to Changes
    • Rewrite each line in the Changes section to reflect what this change means for the end user, linking to the relevant PR/commit
    • Group all bug fix PRs/commits under a point named Bug fixes
    • Have each line reflect what platform it applies to if not irrelevant
  3. Hit the Save draft button

You can make several rounds of preparing such releases through editing the current draft over time, to make sure every contributor is mentioned and every change is included.

Actually releasing

  1. Announce a short period of time where last changes to be done or fixup work can flow in (can be anything you imagine, though 24 hours to one week might be enough depending on the blocker)
  2. Wait for that period to pass
  3. Have a last look over the draft to make sure every new contributor and change has been mentioned

Now here's where the order becomes important:

  1. Make sure the working directory is clean

  2. Run cargo update and cargo build, make sure both succeed

  3. Create a commit named Run cargo update or similar

  4. Bump the version to match the tag name everywhere

    • Cargo.toml (do note it contains the version twice, one time in the top, one time at the bottom in the bundling section)
    • extra/osx/
    • website/docs/*.md and update Unreleased yet to Available since $tag (where $tag is the tag name)
  5. Run cargo build and make sure it succeeds, remember to git add Cargo.lock to make sure releases stay reproducible (#1628, #1482)

  6. Create a commit called Bump version to $tag

  7. Push and wait for CI to complete (will take around 25 minutes)

  8. Run cargo build --frozen

In the meantime, you can look through the previous commits to see if you missed anything.

  1. From the Bump version to $tag commit, download all the artifacts

  2. Unzip

  3. Head to the release draft, edit it and upload the produced artifacts (using the unzipped versions if listed above)

  4. Hit Publish release

  5. profit

Phew. Now, announce the new release anywhere you think is appropriate (like Reddit, Discord, whatever) and go create a PR in nixpkgs.