
  • Should Neovide happen not to start at all, check the following:

    • Shell startup files if they output anything during startup, like neofetch or echo. Neovide uses your shell to find nvim and can't know the difference between output and nvim's path. You can use your resource file (in the case of zsh ~/.zshrc) instead for such commands.

    • Whether or not you can reproduce this by running from the latest git main commit. This can be done by running from source or just grabbing the binary from the Actions tab on GitHub.

  • Neovide requires that a font be set in init.vim otherwise errors might be encountered. This can be fixed by adding set guifont=Your\ Font\ Name:h15 in init.vim file. Reference issue #527.

  • If you installed neovim via Apple Silicon (M1)-based brew, you have to add the brew prefix to $PATH to run in GUI. Please see the homebrew documentation. Reference issue #1242


  • If you receive errors complaining about DRI3 settings, please reference issue #44.

  • If your scrolling is stuttering

    • Add flags --no-vsync and --no-idle before startup as a quickfix.

    • Check if the value of g:neovide_refresh_rate and the refresh rate of your monitor are matched.

    • If your g:neovide_refresh_rate is correct, then check if you are using dual monitors with mixed refresh rate, say 144 and 60, by checking output of xrandr (wayland should support mixed refresh rate out of the box), if so,that's because X11 does not support mixed refresh rate well. You may be able to fix this through your compositor or by switching to wayland. As a temporary work around, you may set g:neovide_refresh_rate to the lower value.

Performance Profiling

If you encounter a performance problem like frame rate stuttering, besides attaching a log file when reporting bugs, tracy profiling data will also be very useful and can usually help developers to troubleshoot the bug much faster. Here is how you can collect tracy data.

  1. Install tracy. Windows users can download it at its GitHub release page. Linux and macOS users can install it with package manager. Otherwise, you may have to build it yourself following tracy docs.

  2. Build a profiling version of Neovide. Follow the installation page to install all required dependencies and Rust SDK. Download or clone source code of Neovide. Build it with following commands. Note that you need to specify both --profile profiling and --features profiling, so that Neovide is built for a profiling version. Or, you can skip these commands, and let cargo run in step 5 build it automatically before running.

    cd [neovide-source-dir]
    cargo build --profile profiling --features profiling
  3. Prepare tracy for collecting data. Start tracy with,

    tracy-capture -o [log-file-path]

    You will see output like this,

    Connecting to

    It means tracy begins to wait for Neovide and will capture profiling data once it starts.

  4. Running Neovide and reproduce the performance issue. Start Neovide with following commands in another terminal. If you have built Neovide with commands in step 3, this should be very fast. If not, it will build Neovide first. You have to specify --profile profiling and --features profiling here, too.

    cd [neovide-source-dir]
    cargo run --profile profiling --features profiling -- --no-fork [neovide-arguments...]

    Now do whatever leads to performance issue in Neovide and exit.

  5. Get the tracy data and report bugs with it. Turn to tracy, you will see output like,

    Saving trace... done!

    You will find tracy log file at the path you specified before. Attach it in your bug report! You can also view it yourself with tracy [log-file-path].